Vertical/Horizontal Machining Center, High Accuracy Five-Axis Vertical Machining Center/Multi-Tasking Machine, Customized Automated Production Line, etc.
Automobile, Aerospace, Electronic Medical, Mold, Precision Machining and other industries
Precision Surface Grinder, CNC Surface Grinder, CNC Vertical Machining Center, Five Axes Vertical Machining Center, etc.
Aerospace, 3C electronics and Optoelectronics Industry.
Linear Motor Overhead Milling Center, High Speed Gantry Overhead Milling Center, Gantry Power Milling Center, etc.
Aerospace, Aviation, Automobile, Energy, Mold and Other Industries.
Fully Automatic Insert Periphery Grinder, Fully Automatic Grooving Insert Grinder, Fully Automatic Profile Grinder, Fully Automatic Intelligent Jig Grinder.
Insert, Tool, Optical, High precision mold, Automotive, Aerospace, etc.
Vertical/Horizontal/5 Axes Machining Center, Horizontal Turning Center, High Accuracy Multi-Tasking Machine, Automation Production Line Plan, and so on.
Automotive, Aerospace, Medical, Plumbing industry(Faucet Kits), Heavy Cutting, Electronics, etc.
High Speed Precision Lathe, CNC Lathe, CNC Milling-Turning Compound Machine, etc.
Automobile, Oil and Gas, Construction Machine Industry, etc.
CNC drilling machine for printed circuit board, contour processing machine for PCB, hole position tester for PCB, precision drilling machine for electrical inspection, etc.
PCB industry, Electrical Inspection Industry, etc.
Related technologies and products have been integrated under the German MAG brand.
1865, 159 years.
Horizontal Rotary Conveyor, Multi – Station Five – Axis Machining Center, Automation Equipment and Technical Solutions, etc.
Automotive Automated Production Line, Aerospace, Electronics, etc.
*Multi – spindle lathe ranked first in the global market.
1919, 105 years.
Rail Axle Cylindrical Grinder, Internal Grinder, etc.
Aerospace, Rail Road, etc.
Related technologies and products have been integrated under the German MAG brand.
Vertical/Horizontal Turning Machining Centers, Flexible/Agile.
Automotive, Aerospace, Electronics, etc.
Benz, BMW, Ferrari, Rolls- Royce, etc.
* The two major projects of engine and transmission account for more than 30% of the global market, crankshafts and other transmission parts account for about 35%, and gears exceed 20%.Auto molds are the top three suppliers in the world.
Three – Axis / Five – Axis Vertical Machining Center, Vertical Machining Center, etc.
Automotive, Aerospace, Precision Machinery, Medical Machinery, etc.
1922, 102 years.
CNC engraving machine, Tableware polishing machine, Engraving machine tool, Automated Production Line, etc.
Electronics, Automotive, etc.
Rotary Transfer Machine, High – End Multi – Axis Turntable Machining Centers, etc.
Automotive, Aerospace, Communication, Key, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Connector, Turnkey Project, etc.
Elevated Bridge Milling Center, Table Moving Gantry Milling Center, Moving Column Powerful Milling Center, etc.
Aerospace, Automotive, Precision Mold, etc.
Vertical Grinding Center, Vertical Grinder, Horizontal Internal Grinder, etc.
Automotive, Gear, Robot, General Parts, etc.
Precision Turning Center, Multi-Tasking Turning Center, Automated Production Line, etc.
Automotive, Aerospace, Electronics, etc.
T – Type Horizontal Boring and Milling Machining Center, Horizontal Column Type Machining Center, Vertical Mobile Milling Centers, etc.
Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, etc.
Heavy-Duty Horizontal lathe, Heavy-Duty Vertical Lathe, Heavy-Duty Gantry Machining Center, Heavy-Duty Roller Mill, etc.
Power Generation, Shipbuilding, Rail Road, etc.
1921, 103 years.
Rail Axle Cylindrical Grinder, Internal Grinder, etc.
Automotive, Precision Machinery, etc.
1889, 135 years. The oldest machine tool brand in Japan and Asia.
Large CNC lathes, Plastic Injection Molding Machinery, Engine Manufacturing, Honing Machining Centers, etc.
Aerospace, Rail Road, Engine, etc.
*The First Lathe Manufacturer in Japan
Multi – Station Rotary Machining Center, etc.
Automotive, Metal Parts, General Parts, etc.
In 1898, 126 years.
High-Speed Contour Machining Center, Horizontal Five-Axis Contour Machining Center, Five-Axis High-Speed Contour Machining Center, etc.
Aerospace, Automotive, Steel, Shipbuilding, etc.
*SNK centrifugal cast steel product was adopted as constructional material of Tokyo Sky Tree
Five-Axis Vertical Machining Center, Horizontal Turning Center, Vertical Grinder, etc.
Automotive, Shipbuilding, Steel, General Parts, etc.
FT-Japan is a joint venture between Taiwan FFG and Japan’s Takamatsu Machinery. It mainly sells Taiwan FFG machines, including vertical/horizontal machining centers, etc.
Automotive, Aerospace, Electronics , Printing Equipment, etc.
1944, 80 years. The oldest machine tool brand in Korea.
CNC Multi-Spindle Turning Center, Duo Head Type Vertical Machining Center, Tapping Center, Automated Production Line, etc.
Automotive, Energy, Precision Mold, etc.
1854, 170 years. The oldest machine tool brand in the Americas. (USA included)
Double-Spindle Vertical Lathe, Single-Spindle Inverted Lathe, Automatic Production Line of the Whole Automobile Factory, etc.
Automotive, Construction machinery, Automated Production Line, etc.
1798, 226 years. The oldest machine tool brand in Germany.Europe, and Worldwide.
Related technologies and products have been integrated under the German MAG brand.
Three – Pin High – Speed Grinder(plug -in joint), Ball Cage Grinder(drive shaft joint), Turning, Milling and Grinding Multi – Tasking Compound Machine Tool, etc.
Automotive, Roller Bearing, home appliance industry development and manufacture of high – quality and efficient grinding machines.
Machining Center, CNC Drilling Machine, Tapping Center, Automated Production System, etc.
Automotive, Electronics, etc.